RV Life

10 RV Must-Haves for Safety

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Hello and welcome to my blog! In today’s post, we will be talking about 10 items you should have in your RV to maximize your safety. Whether you live in your RV or just travel in it, I recommend having these items.

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And now onto the 10 RV Must-Haves for Safety!

1. Carbon Monoxide Detector

This is very important to have as you most likely will not be able to notice a carbon monoxide leak without it.

2. Smoke Alarm

Another important thing to keep is always a smoke alarm. It is better to have this little device and be safe rather than be sorry.

3. Dehumidifier

A dehumidifier is a great item to keep in your RV as moisture is very common. It is best to have multiple small dehumidifiers scattered around to pick up any extra moisture and prevent mold.

4. Surge Protector

This electrical device can be plugged into your outside electrical cord between your power connection. It will help to protect from surges in power. I have personally had an electrical fire where my RV electrical cord connects to power, so I definitely recommend having this one set up.

5. Fire Extinguisher

This one goes hand in hand with the smoke alarm. Being alerted to the fire is important, but so is being able to put out the fire. Especially in RVs where most things are running on propane flames. I keep one fire extinguisher by my propane stove and one by the door.

6. Propane/LP Gas Detector

Tying into what I said before about must things in and Rv being run off of propane, this makes it even more necessary. While you usually can smell propane, it is better to have this detector set up in case of a leak that you may not immediately notice.

7. Water Filter

This is a good thing to set up so you can filter through water before using it and have it cleaned after being run through your pipes.

8. RV/Trailer Coupler Lock

Unfortunately having a trailer lock is important to reduce theft. This will prevent someone from being able to pull right up and steal your RV from you.

9. Hitch Lock

Another theft prevention device is a hitch lock. This will lock the hitch on your towing vehicle, as those are commonly stolen as well.

10. Door Lock

Now the last but surely not least gadget is the door lock. While RV doors do come with locks many people upgrade them to heavier duty locks or even touchpad locks. This will make it a little harder for someone to break through the door.

Thanks for sticking around for this blog post! Be sure to let me know any other RV safety device you recommend in the comment section! I have learned that RV safety is very important and keeping up to date on your monitors is necessary.

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